Heartland Harmony
Heartland Harmony

Hou Dilov
Adjarian Georgian Naduri song
Hou Dilov is an Adjarian (west Georgian) dance song. Referenced in the song are Dila and Nana - god and goddess in pre-christian Georgia - as well as Ra, the god of sun. Ra is similar to Egyptian god Ra and appears here in Georgian folklore because of the large scale historical influence and communication between Georgia and Egypt.
Hou Dilov da dilov nane
aba hou dilov dilo nane x2
hou nane da dilov nane
aba hou dilov rerov nane x2
Shuukhti qalo mogikhdeba
sheni tavi da shen gikhdeba x2
Hou Dilov da dilov nane
aba hou dilov dilo nane x2
hou nane da dilov nane
aba hou dilov rerov nane x2
shuukhti qalo mogikhdeba
sheni tavi da shen gikhdeba x2
hou dilov da dilov nane
aba hou dilov dilov nane x4
Jump woman! (they are talking about a dancing move)
Dancing suits you well. You and Yourself (you are so beautiful) suit you well.
Translation support given from Ketevan Mindorashvili of the Zedashe Ensemble in Kakheti Georgia, Transcription support from Nino Kakhiani of Tblisi.